12 Tips to Make Your Blog Impossible to Ignore

If you're anything like me you have just finished setting up your blog and it's now online for everyone and their Mom to see. You've poured your heart into your first post, telling about where you're from, what it is you do, and what you plan to do in the future. You're so pumped to read all of the comments people are going to leave you can hardly stand it. Now all you have to do is sit back in your chair, fold your arms and wait for the
traffic to come pouring in. Yup just wait, and wait, and wa... Wake up! Unless you want to be the only person reading your freakin blog, in which case you should've just started a journal, there are a few steps you must take in order for people to know this thing even exists.
Below I have compiled 12 solid tactics that will definitely help get your blog noticed. Most of them I currently use, some of them I don't. It's a fact that what works for me, may not for you. Therefore, it would be your best bet to implement all of these and throw out the few that don't bring you the results you're after.
1. Blog Hop. Leave solid comments on blogs that are related to your niche. Make sure your comments add value to the post. If you want people to take the time to comment on your work its only right you do the same on theirs. Do not, and I repeat, do not spam comment (pimp your sh#t). It will not work and you could possible get blacklisted from the site entirely. Adding Value is key here.
2. Write Often. Post frequently. The more fresh content you have the more people and search engines like you. However it is never a good idea to sacrifice quality for quantity. Try to commit to x number of posts per week, and stick with it.
3. Give Me Your Top 5. Write "list posts" like the one you are reading now. Posts like "10 Ways to Make Money" or "5 Fat Loss Secrets" are extremely popular. People love reading these things. They also like sharing them. This is a must.
4. Make a Lens. Create a lens (or 2) using Squidoo. Stick a link back to your blog inside of them.
5. Show Some Love. If you find posts you like on someone else's blog, write a post about them and link it back to them. They may notice and do the same thing for you.
6. Tweet That Sh#t. Make a twitter profile for your blog and tweet each time you write a new post. Twitter is extremely effective when It comes to driving traffic to any type of website. They more followers you have the better. Once again though, keep a good balance between Quantity and Quality of you tweeps.
7. Get in where ya Fit In. Put a link to your blog on the profile and signature of any forum you are currently active in. If you are seen as someone who is reputable and adds value in the forum, members will begin to sniff out your blog.
8. Digg it. Submit your blog to social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon.
9. Recap. Create a newsletter. It doesn't take long to compile a short little newsletter about yourself. Just include information about your blog, your favorite post, and a few of next month's goals.
10. Put it Where It Matters. Add a link to your blog on all of your social networking profiles. If you're on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Pinterest, you should be sure people can find your blog there. That's where your friends are right? If nothing else at least a friend or two may come and leave a comment.
11. Show Me Somethin'. Add graphics, photos, and Illustrations to each of your posts. Any type of media like this will enhance the reader's experience. They may even Pin it on Pinterest. Even if it's a cup cake or a wedding dress or something.
12. Know your Traffic. Keep tabs on the traffic you do have. Sign up for Google Analytics to see where your traffic is coming from and what people are typing to get to your blog. If you see that one of your posts is getting a lot of traffic make more similar to it.
Well, there you have it. 12 easy tips to satisfy the little attention whore that lives deep down inside of us all. I hope that you take the time to implement all of these methods, or at least half of them. However, if all of this seems like too much work, you could always just make 12 fake profiles and comment on your own posts. It really all depends on where you want to take it.
Sharing is caring, so please comment on ways you are currently pushing traffic to your site, and if you think one of mine is stupid then tell me about it!

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